Virtual Walk-in Clinic

Weight Loss,
Built for You

Weight loss is complex – that’s why we’ve created a program for people who have tried it all.
Sustainable weight loss, based on biology.

For those serious about getting healthy and feeling better

Your personalized program starts at $340 a month and includes:
Expert Coaching & Content
📆 Monthly 30 minute consults with Registered Wellness Provider team
👩🏻‍💻 Virtual, convenient appointments
🩺 Referrals to specialists when needed
📝 Personalized planning and toolkits
Prescription Medication
🇨🇦 Authorized for sale by Health Canada
📦 Shipped for free to your door
What’s includedEssentials Plan
$89 to get started $59/mo for
ongoing care
Wellness 360 Plan
$59 per month + $89 visit fee
Competitive medication from $300
“Whole Body Test” included
Insurance coverage concierge
Covers initial + recurring consultation with a practitioner
15+ live sessions run by our medical team
Unlimited access to designated practitioners
Dietitian guidance for a fee
24/7 access to medical chat
Free shipping
NewDiscounts on weight loss
vitamins and supplements
NewFree XXXX
and much more coming your way
Discount programs available for some medications. Authorized medication for sale by Health Canada. 
Discount programs available for some medications. Authorized medication for sale by Health Canada. 
Book Time With Our Wellness Team
And fast track your weight loss goals
360° medical team support for $60 monthly
Expert Coaching & Content
Medications starts at $300 per month
Prescription Medication
Discount programs available* for some medications
Covered by insurance? Let's check!
The program and medication costs may be covered by your insurance - let’s check.

Enter your name, email and phone number and we’ll send you the information to check if the medications will by covered by your insurance provider.
*We accept these insurance providers and more.
We're different, because you are
Traditional weight loss programs
(Weight Watchers®, Dr. Bernstein)
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from expert
Weekly content + resources
Authorized for Sale by Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Trendy Diets
(Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, keto)
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from expert
Weekly content + resources
Authorized for Sale by Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
On your own:
calorie counting
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from expert
Weekly content + resources
Authorized for Sale by Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Previous slide
Next slide
Traditional weight loss programs
(Weight Watchers®, Dr. Bernstein)
Trendy Diets
(Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, keto)
On your own:
calorie counting
Clinical effectiveness
Sustained weight loss
Easy to start
Ongoing support from expert
Weekly content + resources
Authorized for Sale by Health Canada
Full diagnostic and treatment tracking
Restrictive diet
Real people, real results
Real people, real results

“I’ve lost 30 lbs in the past two months. It’s really easy to inject (and doesn’t hurt) and it has completely curbed my cravings. Now I eat to fuel myself. Another 70 lbs to go but I’m feeling excited about my weight loss for the first time.”

F.C., 73, Toronto

”The program has stopped my bored snacking – I used to have trouble saying no to treats during the work day and after dinner. Now I’m better able to manage my appetite, and combined with starting to go to the gym and being more careful about what I eat at meals, I’m losing about one pound a week. I’m thinking this is the last diet I’m going to have to do. Hopefully ever.”

E.S., 34, York

Complete your blood work panel, and we'll review the results with you and determine if our program is a good fit.


Your customized plan, with prescription medications, is created and you'll be onboarded to our program. Your meds will be shipped direct to your door.


Regular check-ins with the team helps keep your journey on track. Weekly emails, monthly 1:1s, and guided learning to fuel your body and increase your movement.


Regular check-ins with the team helps keep your journey on track. Weekly emails, monthly 1:1s, and guided learning to fuel your body and increase your movement.

Why our program works? It’s based on science

This is different from other programs which tend to focus on one area specifically - counting calories, increasing activity, managing appetite.

We consider your biology, genetics, and lifestyle together

Ready to start your journey?
Let’s get you going.
Click the link below to start the 2 minute eligibility quiz. If you’re a good fit for our program, you’ll be prompted to create an account. Next, you’ll add a full bloodwork diagnostic panel ($40) to your cart, add your payment information and check out.

Then, you’ll start our intake consult - we’ll ask you a series of questions to help understand your medical profile, lifestyle and goals.

Ready to start the last weigh loss program you’ll ever need?
Our weight loss team is comprised of
with years of experience.

Bianca Cordeiro, RD, MAN, Registered Dietitian

Nutritional knowledge, meal and activity plans.

Dr. Sarah Bento-De Sousa, Pharmacist

Medication questions, interactions with other medications and training on injections.

Tina Xu, Nurse Practitioner

Reviewing test results, prescribing medication, changing dosages, changing medication and following lab parameters.

Our referral partners: specialist clinics for when you have additional health concerns that require an in-person visit, behavioural change therapy and personal trainers.
Whatever your reason to lose weight, we can help. No more yo-yo results.


Virtual Walk-in Clinic
Virtual Walk-in Clinic
We will be closed from June 24th to the 28th.