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Can You Stop Taking Ozempic Suddenly? What can You Expect?
By: Cover Health team

If you’ve been taking Ozempic, a medication developed by Novo Nordisk, you’ll understand its popularity among people looking for effective treatments. But what are the risks if you suddenly stop taking this drug?

In this article, we’ll cover:

– What Ozempic is and how it works 

– What to expect if you discontinue Ozempic

– The best way to discontinue your use of the drug 

– Our top four tips for stopping Ozempic

– Frequently asked questions 

Read on to learn more!

What Is Ozempic?

Ozempic is the brand name of the medicine semaglutide. Manufactured by Novo Nordisk, who also hold the rights for all semaglutide-based medications, it was initially designed to manage type-2 diabetes. You may also see it under the brand names Wegovy or Saxenda.

While Health Canada has approved its use for the treatment of type-2 diabetes, if you have a BMI of 27 or higher (medical obesity), your medical team may also prescribe Ozempic as a tool to assist with weight management. It’s most effective when used for this purpose if paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Ozempic works by mimicking a hormone in the body that helps to regulate your blood sugar. It also slows down the emptying of the stomach, which results in a great sense of fullness, increased satiety, and may put the patient in a caloric deficit. All of these could positively affect weight management.

A study has shown that participants taking Ozempic were able to lose significantly more body mass on average than those who were taking a placebo.

Of course, every body is different and your individual circumstances will affect how you respond to Ozempic. Your medical team will be able to give you more information, as well as monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment.

Understanding How Ozempic Works

Ozempic’s active ingredient, semaglutide, mimics the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) hormone. It is a GLP-1 receptor agonist.

GLP-1 is released into the body after a meal, reducing appetite, and lowering blood sugar. This helps to ensure the correct amount of insulin is released by the pancreas.

It also slows gastric emptying of stomach contents, which sends signals to the brain to reduce appetite. This leads to fewer calories consumed, which may then assist with weight management.

What are the Side Effects of Ozempic?

Ozempic does have some side effects, some of which are more common and less serious. These include:

  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain

The majority of these are experienced by those taking Ozempic when they first begin the drug and when their dosage increases, but may dissipate over time. If, however, they worsen or are unmanageable, contact your medical team for advice.

There are also a number of more serious side effects which are rarer. These include:

  • Issues with vision
  • Pancreatitis
  • Issues with gallbladder
  • Issues with kidneys
  • Allergic reactions
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Thyroid cancer

If you experience any of the above more serious side effects, discontinue your use of the drug immediately and contact your medical team, or go to your local ER.

What Happens When You Stop Taking Ozempic?

We know how Ozempic affects the body when you take it, but what about when you discontinue it suddenly? Let’s break down the implications and risks.

Physiological Implications of Stopping Ozempic Abruptly

When you abruptly stop taking Ozempic, your blood sugar control may be disrupted. This is because your body is no longer getting assistance to manage blood sugar levels and appetite.

This may lead to higher blood sugar levels, along with increased appetite and cravings, which could lead to an increase in your body mass.

Both physicians Andrew Kraftson (MD) and Dr. Robert Gabbay noted in this news article that stopping Ozempic suddenly can affect your body in ways you may not expect. After all, stopping any medication may cause a rebound, whether in blood sugar control or food cravings.

Other Risks Associated with Ceasing Ozempic Suddenly

If you’re taking Ozempic to manage type-2 diabetes, you may have further complications when you interrupt the Ozempic cycle unexpectedly.

In addition to your blood sugar rising, and an increase in cravings there are side effects associated with higher blood sugar. This includes nerve damage, heart disease, and kidney issues.

If you’re unable to manage your blood sugar levels effectively, all of the above could affect your overall general health.

Additionally, if you have diabetes, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Blurry vision
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive urination

Thankfully, in Canada there is currently no shortage of Ozempic or other semaglutide products.

However, elsewhere in the world, particularly in the U.S., its increased popularity has led to many supply chain issues, which may involuntarily interrupt someone’s Ozempic cycle.

Estimating the Duration for Ozempic Effects to Wear Off

The length of time it takes for Ozempic effects to wear off will depend a lot on the individual.

Can Ozempic be Stopped Suddenly or Gradually?

As is the case for most long-term medications, in most circumstances a gradual tapering off of Ozempic is preferred. However, in some circumstances, an abrupt ceasing may be necessary.

Determining the Ideal Process to Stop Ozempic

The ideal process to stop taking Ozempic is to gradually taper your doses while being supervised by your medical team. 

There are some circumstances in which you may need to abruptly end your course of Ozempic, i.e., cold turkey, including if you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, or if you’re experiencing severe side effects.

In both of these situations, make sure you consult with your medical team so they can manage your reaction.

When Is It Appropriate to Discontinue Ozempic?

The decision to discontinue Ozempic is a personal one — it could be due to lack of effectiveness, the side effects, or if you’ve reached your treatment goals.

It is important to discuss stopping with your medical team and work with them to manage any side effects of withdrawal.

Steps to Follow If You Want to Stop Taking Ozempic

If you’ve decided to halt your ongoing Ozempic treatment, it’s important to consult with your medical team as well as follow these steps.

Stick to Your Exercise Routine

Staying active is an essential part of weight management, so it’s important not to stop your exercise routine when you stop taking Ozempic. Regular exercise can help to control blood sugar levels, as well as help burn calories.

Try to ensure you keep cardiovascular exercise and strength training as part of your routine. Exercise has the additional benefit of helping to keep your metabolism in good condition.

Follow a Healthy Diet

Diet is the most important aspect of maintaining weight loss. When you discontinue Ozempic, make sure you focus on balanced, nutrient-dense meals.

Limit sugars, and increase your intake of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This can help regulate your blood sugar and prevent body mass gain.

Consider Ozempic Alternatives

If you’re discontinuing Ozempic because of the side effects, there might be a substitute GLP-1 receptor agonist drug out there that would suit you better.

Talk to your medical team about different drugs, such as Rybelsus, Mounjaro, or Trulicity.

Follow Weight Loss Best Practices

There’s a lot of advice out there for those who are seeking assistance with weight management. Unfortunately, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation and what may work for one person, may not work for you, especially if you have underlying conditions that make it difficult to manage your weight effectively.

A good general rule is that you should burn more calories than you consume. However, when taken to the extreme, this can be extremely detrimental to your health and well-being.

Focus on balance and try to pay attention to the hunger cues your body is relaying. Are you hungry or are you bored? Are you consuming a large amount of “fast energy” such as simple carbohydrates and sugary drinks, or are you choosing more mindfully?

It’s generally considered sustainable and safe to lose up to two pounds a week. More than this often leads to weight gain rebound, and this can be damaging for your heart as well as your mental health.

In some cases, you may want to consider therapy to address your underlying relationship with food. Very often weight management is tied up with psychology, so understanding your food habits and how to implement lifestyle changes effectively will put you on the path to success.

Be sure to have regular follow-ups with your medical team to monitor your progress and make any adjustments.

Key Takeaways

Ideally, when stopping Ozempic, you should taper off slowly under the supervision of your medical team.

Reasons to discontinue taking Ozempic include side effects, lack of effectiveness, or reaching treatment goals.

If you do wrap up your use of Ozempic suddenly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential.

Keep up with your exercise regime, keep to a healthy diet, and try Ozempic alternatives if necessary. Be sure to communicate with your medical team, too, both during and after treatment so that they can monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can Ozempic cause withdrawal symptoms?

Ozempic can potentially cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly. 

It’s important to talk to your medical team before stopping so you can manage withdrawal symptoms.

What are some signs that I should stop taking Ozempic?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, stop your use of Ozempic immediately and contact your medical team, or go to your local ER:

  • Skin itching, rashes, or trouble breathing, which could signify a serious allergic response to Ozempic
  • Symptoms of hypoglycemia, including feeling dizzy, sweating excessively, confusion, slurred speech, numb face, a quickened heartbeat, mood swings, weakness, or feeling unstable or shaky
  • Kidney failure
How does stopping Ozempic affect blood sugar levels?

When you cease taking Ozempic, your blood sugar levels can rise. This is because Ozempic aids in managing your blood sugar by mimicking a hormone that reduces blood sugar levels after meals.

If you halt Ozempic treatment abruptly, your body may struggle to control blood sugar on its own, leading to increased glucose levels. This can cause symptoms such as frequent urination, increased thirst, and fatigue.

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Valuable information and resources are available with your Ozempic® DIN.

What is a DIN?
It is easy to find - it’s the 8-digit drug identification number (DIN) printed on the Ozempic® package and pen. It will be on the receipt your pharmacist gave you.

Health Canada regulations require us to confirm your patient status to access more Ozempic information.

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Virtual Walk-in Clinic